Friday, September 28, 2007

folcanos are dangerous business

we went on a group field trip yesterday to hike around the arenal volcano. unfortunately it was raining so we couldn't cross the river (out of fear that things would be flowing down it) and our hike was cut in half. allen, one of the program directors, told us that the last time he took a group to hike around the volcano there were minor earthquakes. oh how i wished it would earthquake. he also said that if it were to errupt than it would be pointless to run. scaaaary.
i brought back a volcanic rock to give gabe.


Anonymous said...

Oh Becky how i wish i had more earthquakes in my life and more becky

Unknown said...

my beautiful becky i miss you so much! What you are doing is truly saving the world and I'm so jealous and I look up to you so much. You are the most outstanding individual I have ever met. Enjoy los ninos y juega mucho senorita! Me encanta tu! oxoxox, Nina

Unknown said...

sorry thats the only google account I have from Gallagher chem.. i heart you!