Sunday, September 23, 2007

ill get better at this, i promise

i hope you guys make gabe read this.. because i'd really like for him to hear about the biggest culture shock about living in the ccs house. apparently san carlos has a pretty weak plumbing system so they dont flush down their toilet paper. talk about gross.
another huge culture shock is how slow time goes by here. they call it "tico time." everyone is so laid back compared to the fast-paced lifestyle im used to. nobody here is ever in a rush to do things or get anywhere. i started talking to the woman behind the register at the supermarket last week and was surprised to not be interrupted by some disgruntled mother whose valuable time i was wasting. the only structured time of my day is meal time. i love it here.

all the volunteers living in the ccs house, hereby reffered to as group 75, went to the hot springs last thursday. its absolutely beautiful there and oh so relaxing. every thursday we go on group excursions. luckily we aren't supposed to go see the volcanos until next week, because one had a small eruption wednesday and we would not have been able to go.

friday we went to help out at the peace festival. we split off into pairs and ran different activities for all the kids. rachel and i, being the talented artists we are, did face-painting. now i know how to say "mariposa" (butterfly), "corazone" (heart), "estrella" (star) and other such words in the genre of things-rachel-and-becky-can-draw. between speeches that i couldn't understand, the fully decked out kids did adorable dance performances.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Postings started! It sounds great becks (and Derman)! Also, if you could go into more detail about what exactly you do with your toilet paper, I'm sure the virtual community would be interested...

Anonymous said...

Becky I am so glad you are loving it so much it sounds absolutely amazing! it sounds like u and rachel do a lot of stuff as a pair, so what does phil do? i really like reading ur blog - i tried to read the mbi one this summer it was just really boring - but i like reading ur voice its fun i love you so much say hi to rachel and phil for me!

Anonymous said...

How much do I miss you?? Mostly I love reading your blog and seeing your pretty face and admiring your rapid acquisition of la idioma (i.e., language).

