Tuesday, September 25, 2007

vivan los ninos!

we've pretty much got a rhythm to our day now, me and the ninos.

we start out with some casual drawing.. nothing too serious. then we move to some sort of puzzle-like or lego-like game, depending on whatever i bring that paticular day.

after a bit, they're bored of that and tensions begin to rise so we switch it up with something more active. sometimes we'll go play outside (this 2 year old is better at soccer than most high schoolers), but we usually end up putting on costumes and dancing around. the girls put on skirts and the boys put on button up shirts. adorable. then we blast some kids' tunes and just rock out. our favorite song goes:

"vivan los ninos! vivan los ninos! que siempre tienen ganas de jugar!!!"

then we sit down to do an arts&farts&crafts project, which holds their focus for the longest part of the day. that is, unless the girls decide to throw temper tantrums in which case i start a game of hide and seek or something of the sort. by this point in time, they're usually dying to go back to drawing so we start the whole cycle over again!


Anonymous said...

Becky I am so jealous I wish i could be saving the world instead of going to lame lame class. It sounds like you are having fun so keep it up. I can't wait to see you.

David said...

Your description reminds me of Mom's tales of her days with you and Dani back during single motherhood.

We miss you terribly. The High Holidays weren't the same w/out you -- nothing is.
