Sunday, April 20, 2008

chag sameach!

believe it or not, i observed the passover holiday in africa. it was bizarre not being with my family, but i was glad to be able to do something.
a friend sent rachel the link to this woman's blog who lived here, in Tanzania, for two years- in it she talks about an israeli-run restaurant in Dar Es Salaam named Nargila. apparently they know all the Jews who live in Tanzania (near 40) and they celebrate Jewish holidays there year-round. this year the chabad sent two of its finest to help them put on a seder.
it took a rocky 8 hour bus ride each way to be there for just one night, but was well worth it. they were unbelievably hospitable (let us shower in their house and put us up for the night) and it was a great seder (a little bit of english, a whole lot of hebrew).

by the way mom- we turned down a full moon beach party in zanzibar to observe passover in dar. just thought you should know :)

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