Saturday, April 12, 2008


welcome to my first post in a long long time! we left kibbutz revivim (aka the greatest place on earth) late thursday night and arrived safely in kilimanjaro, tanzania friday afternoon. the ride from the airport to our home-base in moshi was absolutely beautiful. i can't wait to walk around and try to capture it all with my crappy, almost completely broken camera.
we have program orientation the next couple days and then we'll begin our volunteer work. there are all these volunteers who have been here for weeks and weeks who are leaving today and tomorrow while the rest of the volunteers in our group are getting in so i'm having a hard time remembering any of their names. the staff here is wonderful, just like the ccs staffs in india and costa rica both were. they must have a killer applicant-screening process.

in any case, i'm thrilled to finally be in africa! sorry about slacking on the blog thing from israel, i promise to keep the updates frequent for the next month!

1 comment:

Sass said...

blogger becky is backkkk